Castle Bromwich Junior School

Castle Bromwich Junior School News

The latest news stories from Castle Bromwich Junior School.


News Stories

  • Sir Captain Tom Moore tribute
    To commemorate Captain Sir Tom Moore, year 3 decided to create a rainbow of positivity and hope.
  • Return on the 8th March
    Return on the 8th Following the government announcement and the initial guidance from the Department of Education, we have started the planning to welcome all students back into school on Monday 8th March.
  • Metal Health Week
    Children at CBJS took part in Children’s Mental Health Week both in school and at home.
  • School closure - 25/01/2021
  • Aran Court Care Centre donation
    We were delighted to receive so many kind donations over the last few weeks. They have been delivered to baby banks, care homes and other organisations where people are in need.
  • Class Dojo
    Please do not use Class Dojo until further notice. If work has been set on Class Dojo please do not worry about this for the time being. An update will follow when we are able to use Class Dojo. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you.
  • School Collections
    Thank you very much for your donations so far. This is just a small sample of your fabulous generosity!
  • Year 6 Leavers
    It was lovely to see some of our Y6 children proud to be wearing their new CBJS leavers hoodies.
  • Timetables Rockstars
  • Corona Virus
    There is a great deal of media attention covering the coronavirus in school and workplaces. We receive regular information from public heath England and our local authority and will be guided by them in terms of the steps we need
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Hurst Lane North, Birmingham, West Midlands, B36 0HD