Castle Bromwich Junior School

Castle Bromwich Junior School News

The latest news stories from Castle Bromwich Junior School.


News Stories

  • Year 3 Cycling afternoon
    Children in year 3 had the opportunity to bring their bikes into school for an afternoon.
  • Chinese New Year
    As part of our China topic, we had a visitor come into our school and teach us a Chinese dragon dance, which we performed to our parents during that afternoon.
  • Dunfield House
    Currently, half the year group have gone to stay in a beautiful house in the countryside.
  • Super Science
    We have completed some fascinating science experiments in Year 5 this year, which have really helped us to understand science in fun and exciting ways.
  • Clarinets
    This year we have had the opportunity to learn a new musical instrument: the clarinet. We have two concerts coming up in June - come and check out how great we are.
  • Pioneer
    The children have been able to visit the outdoor pioneer centre and complete lots of exciting activities.
  • Africa
    As part of our African topic, we took part in an African dance and drumming event, where we learnt various dance and drumming routines and performed them to parents.
  • Samba
    As part of our music curriculum we focused on the Brazilian music: Samba.
  • Cycling for Year 3
    Year 3 had the opportunity to take part in a cycling training course with instructors from Bikeability. The course offered them the chance to improve their cycling skills and safety.
  • School Games Level 1 Quad Kids
    Year 3 and 4 have been training hard for the upcoming School Games Level 2 Quad Kids event. All Y3 and Y4 children competed in a Level 1 competition with the aim of scoring as many points as possible for their house team.
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