Castle Bromwich Junior School

Castle Bromwich Junior School News

School News

The latest news stories from Castle Bromwich Junior School.


News Stories

  • Boys 7 aside Football
    Results against Smiths Wood and Kingshurst.
  • 4 aside Boys and Girls
    25th September at North Solihull Sports Centre
  • CBJS Area Sports Champions 2018
    On Friday 29th June, the CBJS Athletics Squad emerged victorious in the North Solihull Area Sports competition at Norman Green Sports Centre.
  • School Games Gold mark for 2017/18
    We are delighted to be awarded with the School Games Gold mark for 2017/18.
  • Well Being Week
    The children have enjoyed the first day of well being week and very enthusiastic when learning about how we can keep ourselves healthy both physically and mentally.
  • PB Challenge Results
    The results of the lunchtime Personal Best challenge are in. Competitors had to accurately throw bean bags from further distances in to a target container to increase their accuracy.
  • PB Challenge
    Hundreds of children across the school took part in a PB Challenge across the last 2 weeks in preparation for Sports Day but also trying to better their own score in a bean bag target challenge.
  • Cycling for Year 3
    Year 3 had the opportunity to take part in a cycling training course with instructors from Bikeability. The course offered them the chance to improve their cycling skills and safety.
  • School Games Level 1 Quad Kids
    Year 3 and 4 have been training hard for the upcoming School Games Level 2 Quad Kids event. All Y3 and Y4 children competed in a Level 1 competition with the aim of scoring as many points as possible for their house team.
  • Sports Hall Athletics – February 2018
    Over the past few weeks a group of year 6 and 5 students have been working with our PE Leader, Mr Bird along with our new sports apprentice Mr Elwell and local School Games organiser, Hollie Williams to perfect a variety of disciplines within athletics.
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Hurst Lane North, Birmingham, West Midlands, B36 0HD