Castle Bromwich Junior School

Castle Bromwich Junior School News

School News

The latest news stories from Castle Bromwich Junior School.


News Stories

  • Year 6 Leavers
    It was lovely to see some of our Y6 children proud to be wearing their new CBJS leavers hoodies.
  • DT afternoon
    A huge thankyou to everyone who attended the year 6 DT event this afternoon. It has been a huge success and we have some lovely advent calendars.
  • RAF Cosford
    We have had visitors from RAF Cosford come into school and visit year 6. They have set a competition to write a poem and the winners will get the chance to read it out at their remembrance service.
  • Pioneer
    The children have been able to visit the outdoor pioneer centre and complete lots of exciting activities.
  • Africa
    As part of our African topic, we took part in an African dance and drumming event, where we learnt various dance and drumming routines and performed them to parents.
  • Samba
    As part of our music curriculum we focused on the Brazilian music: Samba.
  • Bulb Planting
    Some children have worked with Mrs Bird to plant some new bulbs in our local area. They worked really hard and can't wait to see the flowers in spring.
  • Year 6 trip to CTC WW1 Trenches
    The year 6 children visited the CTC WW1 Trenches to experience what life was like during WW1.

Hurst Lane North, Birmingham, West Midlands, B36 0HD