Castle Bromwich Junior School

Castle Bromwich Junior School News

School News

The latest news stories from Castle Bromwich Junior School.


News Stories

  • Sir Captain Tom Moore tribute
    To commemorate Captain Sir Tom Moore, year 3 decided to create a rainbow of positivity and hope.
  • Year 3 start
    All of the year 3 staff are delighted with how well the children have settled in to life at CBJS. They have adapted very well to our routines and expectations and we couldn't be any more prouder of them!
  • Year 3 Cycling afternoon
    Children in year 3 had the opportunity to bring their bikes into school for an afternoon.
  • Chinese New Year
    As part of our China topic, we had a visitor come into our school and teach us a Chinese dragon dance, which we performed to our parents during that afternoon.
  • Eco-themed Art
    Year 3 held an eco-themed art morning for parents last week.

Hurst Lane North, Birmingham, West Midlands, B36 0HD