Castle Bromwich Junior School

  1. News
  2. Year 3
  3. Year 3 start

Year 3 start

13 November 2019 (by Kealey Nash (knash))

All of the year 3 staff are delighted with how well the children have settled in to life at CBJS. They have adapted very well to our routines and expectations and we couldn't be any more prouder of them!

In our English lessons, we have been using the text 'Leon and the place between' to inspire our reading and writing. In this half term, the children have learnt how to write a setting description, a play script and how to use direct speech to create dialogue between characters.

In our maths lessons, we have been working hard to develop our place value, addition and subtraction skills. We have learnt how to read, write, order and compare numbers up to 1000, as well as use both mental and written methods for addition and subtraction.

In our science lessons, we have been learning all about our bodies. We have learnt about the function of the human skeleton, compared human skeletons to animal skeletons and learnt about the different types of joints that we have which allows us to move different parts of our bodies.

We will be continuing to develop our history and geography learning through our Topic of Birmingham. We are very much looking forward to visiting the Birmingham Back to Back houses too!

Hurst Lane North, Birmingham, West Midlands, B36 0HD