Castle Bromwich Junior School

Castle Bromwich Junior School News

School News

The latest news stories from Castle Bromwich Junior School.


News Stories

  • Pizza DT Unit
  • Year 5 Balloon Experiment
    Year 5 have been enjoying their Science unit, Fizz, Bang, Pop! Children in 5B explored how new products can be made by combining two materials together.
  • Harvest Festival
    Year 5 celebrated the Harvest Festival by performing an assembly to highlight the importance of Harvest and described Harvest events from all around the world.
  • Viking Visit
    Year 5 had a visitor in school to introduce the Viking topic.
  • Dunfield House
    Currently, half the year group have gone to stay in a beautiful house in the countryside.
  • Super Science
    We have completed some fascinating science experiments in Year 5 this year, which have really helped us to understand science in fun and exciting ways.
  • Clarinets
    This year we have had the opportunity to learn a new musical instrument: the clarinet. We have two concerts coming up in June - come and check out how great we are.

Hurst Lane North, Birmingham, West Midlands, B36 0HD