Castle Bromwich Junior School

Castle Bromwich Junior School News

The latest news stories from Castle Bromwich Junior School.


News Stories

  • Harvest Festival
    Year 5 celebrated the Harvest Festival by performing an assembly to highlight the importance of Harvest and described Harvest events from all around the world.
  • Year 3 start
    All of the year 3 staff are delighted with how well the children have settled in to life at CBJS. They have adapted very well to our routines and expectations and we couldn't be any more prouder of them!
  • Anti-Bullying week
    On Tuesday 12th November, CBJS took part in National Odd Sock Day as one of our Anti-Bullying Week activities.
  • Year 5 Balloon Experiment
    Year 5 have been enjoying their Science unit, Fizz, Bang, Pop! Children in 5B explored how new products can be made by combining two materials together.
  • Governors Assembly
    Congratulations to all of our Governor and Year 6 award winners.
  • Snowdon 2019
    On the 16th July, ten children from CBJS scaled the heights of Mount Snowdon
  • Inclusion Quality Mark Centre of Excellence Award
    We are delighted to have been awarded the Inclusion Quality Mark Centre of Excellence Award. This award, which is currently only held by 240 schools, recognises our achievements in promoting inclusion for all our pupils.
  • Congratulations!
    Winners this week: Mathletics: 3M, 4F, 5S, 6B Spellodrome: 3G, 4EP, 5D, 6B Reading eggspress: 3D, 4F, 5B, 6R
  • Congratulations!
    Winners this week: Mathletics: 3M, 4F, 5S, 6P Spellodrome: 3G, 4EP, 5D, 6D Reading eggspress: 3H, 4EP, 5D, 6P
  • Congratulations!
    Winners for the Christmas break: Mathletics: 3H, 4V, 5B, 6B Spellodrome: 3D, 4B, 5D, 6R Reading eggspress: 3G, 4F, 5D, 6P
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