Castle Bromwich Junior School

  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Return on the 8th March

Return on the 8th March

1 March 2021 (by castleb)

Return on the 8th Following the government announcement and the initial guidance from the Department of Education, we have started the planning to welcome all students back into school on Monday 8th March.

We will continue to set work remotely until Friday 5th March. On Monday 8th March all work will revert back to school-based learning. We thank you for all the hard work you have carried out with your children during this period of home learning. We are aware that after a period of prolonged time at home, some children may be feeling anxious about their return. We will support any child who is upset on their return, but it is important that they do come back.

Thank you again for all your support and understanding during this time and we very much look forward to having all our pupils back in school on the 8th March.

Staff have been working hard to plan how to bridge the potential missed learning during the spring term. For the first week we will be supporting the pupils well-being by listening to their experiences and reminding them of our zones of regulation. We know the transition back we be equally challenging for those pupils who have reminded in school as they have got used to smaller groups and more teacher contact, as well as new friendships. Our priority is to make the emotional return as smooth as possible.

We will then informally assess where the children are at: what learning is secure and what has been missed. Our quality first teaching will address this initially but we will also look to implement some additional catch up support. For those pupils who were having after school tuition- this will begin week beginning March 15th and staff will be in touch.


Y3/4 pupils arrive between 8:30 and 8:45am Please note the gates do not open until 830 and so please do not arrive too early as this creates a gathering on Hurst Lane North
Y5/6 pupils arrive between 8:45 and 9am
On entry to school- either outside or in the classroom- all pupils will be asked to wash their hands.

At the end of the day Y3/4 pupils will be dismissed from 3.05pm and Y5/6 at 3.30pm Can parents please stand back from the upper school classes if they have collected their lower school children in order for y5/6 to finish teaching.
We will start dismissing Y5/6 pupils from 3.15pm if parents are on the playground having collected younger siblings.

Children who walk home will all be dismissed at 3.30pm

Spitfires will be welcoming children back from 8th March too, operating in the same way as we were from September to Christmas (including afternoon sessions for Y3/4 starting from 3pm), please let us know asap if you no longer require your child’s place or want to amend their sessions.


The virus has not gone away and if data is to be believed there are still some areas of high infection on the north of Solihull. Please help our community and our school to remain open by:
• Ensuring you maintain at least a 2m distance from other families
• Keep your younger children with you- they should not be playing and running around the playground. We and others do not know their bubble arrangements. Children must not use the play equipment
• Please wear a face covering when entering the school playground
• Observing our one-way system. Entry is via the gates on Hurst Lane north and exit vis the bottom gate onto Bentley Road.
• If children are late being collected, they will remain on the main playground with a member of staff as we cannot have children waiting in the office. If children are repeatedly late they will be given a place in our after school club and unfortunately this does incur a charge.

We look forward to seeing you all again. Remember we are here to listen and help in any way we can.

Hurst Lane North, Birmingham, West Midlands, B36 0HD