Castle Bromwich Junior School

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  2. School News
  3. Corona Virus

Corona Virus

13 March 2020 (by castleb)

There is a great deal of media attention covering the coronavirus in school and workplaces. We receive regular information from public heath England and our local authority and will be guided by them in terms of the steps we need

to take in order to protect our children. Our first priority, as ever is the health and well-being of our children, staff and
the families that make up our community.

What is happening in school now?
We have already taken a number of measures in school
 Ensuring regular hand washing
 Ensuring the availability of hand sanitiser
 Children being reminded of personal hygiene
 Increased our cleaning regime
 Produced our own action plans to manage the situation as it develops. This may include some changes and
potential changes to our school day i.e. keeping classroom doors open to reduce unnecessary contact and
considering how often we bring the whole school together for assemblies [a copy is available on request]

What may happen in the coming days?
There are a number of measures we may take, for example, temporarily stopping school assemblies, eating packed
lunches in the classroom instead of the hall and reflecting on any planned school visits. These measures will come into
effect as and when we believe necessary.

Will the school close?
It is a possibility that it may become necessary to close the school, whether directed to do so or if this is a decision we
need to take ourselves. We are aware that we may get little notice of such school closure and therefore we are planning
at a number of levels so we are prepared for a short or longer term closure.
If this does become necessary, we will ensure that some work is available for our pupils. This will be accessible through
class DOJO and our website and will include research work for pupils as well as signposting parents to other suitable
sites. Pupils will of course be able to continue existing external learning such as reading and accessing Timestable
Rockstars and their spelling zappers.
We will keep parents informed of any information as it comes known to us through school story on DOJO. During any
closure the school email will continue to be checked daily

How can we help?
Please advise us if anyone in your household has traveled or intends to travel outside of the UK so we can be proactive
should that area be flagged by the government
Please let us know of any updates to your contact details or if you have any issues accessing DOJO.
If you or your children have any symptoms [ fever, cough, breathing difficulties, muscle ache] please phone 111 for

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Hurst Lane North, Birmingham, West Midlands, B36 0HD