Castle Bromwich Junior School

Castle Bromwich Junior School News

The latest news stories from Castle Bromwich Junior School.


News Stories

  • North Solihull Netball Skills Tournament - 25th January 2017
    8 children from across years 4 and 6 took part in the North Solihull Netball SkillsTournament.
  • January 2017- Athletics Academy
    The athletics squad have visited Park Hall today to help prepare for their Sports hall Athletics competition next month. Thank you for giving up your time for the team and to Park Hall Academy for offering use of their facilities.
  • St Mary & St Margaret’s parish church visit
    Castle Bromwich Junior School took their lessons outside of the classroom when they visited St Mary & St Margaret’s parish church this week. The children were members of the school council exploring links with the local community.
  • Graduation
    Congratulations to the 169 pupils who have achieved their Bronze Undergraduate Awards from Children's University for 30 hours of out of school learning.
  • Parent Champions Group
    This is an opportunity to hear and talk about what’s happening in school and support the school in moving forward, share ideas about what other developments you would like to see and get to know the place your child spends most the day!
  • Board Games
    Today in year 6, a group of 74 children spent the morning creating board games, whilst another group of children went Rock Climbing.
  • Eco-themed Art
    Year 3 held an eco-themed art morning for parents last week.
  • Harvest Assembly
    Thank you to year 5 pupils and staff who presented an excellent and very thought provoking Harvest assembly to the school and their parents.
  • Operation Christmas Child
    Thank you to all the pupils and their families who have supported operation Christmas Child.
  • Inclusion Quality Mark Award
    Mrs Hobden and our chair of governors, Jackie Sennett, recently attended an awards ceremony at the prestigious Institute of Directors on Pall Mall in London.
Showing 121-130 of 151

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