Castle Bromwich Junior School

Year 5 Spring Term 2022


Spring Term in Year 5 is very exciting. We learn all about Space and even get to visit the National Space Centre in Leicester. 

Science - Space

Children LOVE learning about Space every year, including learning about the life of an astronaut and understanding the relationship between the Sun, moon and Earth. 


Bikeability is an exciting course that are offered to all of our Y5 children. It allows the children to build confidence with their cycling but also to develop road safety awareness. The course is free and is offered to all!


 Due to children being exposed more than every to being online, it was important for us to implement ways to support the children at home with being safe online. 

English - A Monster Calls

After Christmas we started our new text, A Monster Calls. It's an emotional roller coaster, but the children love the twists and turns throughout the book. Here are some examples of our door displays. 

Art - Space Theme

Y5 studied a style named Hippie Singleton Art. They were inspired by the funky patterns and colours to combine it with their Space knowledge to produce excellent pieces of art work. See our examples below. 


We are very excited to be having a Poetry visitor this year in year 5. The children will be inspired to create poetry linked to the International Space Race, using a range of drama techniques. Watch this space for more examples of our work. 

Hurst Lane North, Birmingham, West Midlands, B36 0HD