Castle Bromwich Junior School

Autumn Term


English and Shared Reading

Autumn 1

Throughout the first half-term, we have been looking at a book called 'Fortunately The Milk', written by Neil Gaiman. We have thoroughly enjoyed reading it in our classes and have produced some fantastic work around it. We have written diary entries, character descriptions, newspaper articles and our own stories!

Autumn 2
 In the second half of the Autumn term, we will be looking at 'The Adventures of Captain Underpants', written by Dav Pilkey.

Throughout this half-term, we will be learning about; expanded noun phrases, speech punctuation, instruction writing and creating our own comic strips!


Autumn 1

Throughout Autumn 1, all children in year 4 have been working extremely hard to make progress in the following areas:

-Number and Place Value
-Addition and Subtraction
-Multiplication and Division


Alongside all of the fantastic work we have been doing in maths lessons, we have been practising our 3, 4 and 8 times-tables. This includes being able to recall them with ease and know the multiplication and division facts of both times-tables.
Remember to practise times-tables regularly at home using TTRS and completing homework each week!

Autumn 2
We have been continuing to work hard in maths this half-term and are making brilliant progress in a range of areas. These are:
-Properties of shapes
-Position and Direction (geometry)
-Area and Perimeter
-Units of measure (including time)


We have been learning about the Ancient Egyptians this term. The children have learnt all about many different aspects of Ancient Egyptian life, including: the Egyptian Pyramids and mummification!


In Art, we have designed and created our own Ancient Egyptian Cartouches out of clay. It was great fun working with the clay, but it was quite tricky to make sure the details didn't crack as the clay dried. Take a look at some of our work below!

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